Over 20 years contending for all aspects of the five-fold ministry and the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
We are here to serve you.
Eagle Worldwide Serves
Men and Women
Individuals and Couples
Vocational and Marketplace
Churches and Ministries
All Five Functions of Ephesians 4:11-12

Meet the Founders
Dr. Russ and Pastor Mave Moyer founded Eagle Worldwide Ministries 20 years ago with a desire to train and equip the next generation of five fold ministers with a prophetic edge. The Moyers have backgrounds in the marketplace and have traveled extensively around the world, ministering powerfully within the apostolic and prophetic calling.
What Makes Eagle Worldwide So Different?
Eagle WorldWide exists to contend for the restoration of apostolic leadership and prophetic leadership influence in the Church today. We believe in the full restoration of all five ministry gifts listed in Ephesians 4:11-12. We also believe in and contend for the supernatural power, gifts, and fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Affiliated Churches
Eagle Worldwide currently has seven affiliated churches based in Canada and the U.S. Each church is pastored by highly qualified couples who represent the DNA of Eagle Worldwide and are in covenant relationship with the leadership and one another.

Affiliated Ministers
Eagle WorldWide Network of Ministries has over 250 ministers based in Canada, the U.S. and around the world. Each minister is accountable for their ministry and life.
Request an Eagle Worldwide Itinerant Minister to speak at your event.
Affiliated Coalitions
Eagle WorldWide is in partnership with the International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders (ICPL) and the International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (ICAL).


Eagle Worldwide represents a trusted voice in the Prophetic movement today. I highly recommend this ministry.

Eagle Worldwide is a ministry that truly understands how the apostolic and prophetic are called to walk together in unity along with Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers.
Latest News and Articles
Seeing by Faith
2 Corinthians 4:16-18 So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day [...]
Latest Podcasts
Ministry: A Sacred Trust
Ministry is more than just what you do, but about relationships: between God, leaders, and those the Lord has sent to follow us, [...]
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