Summer Camp has been a blessing to the thousands that visit every year. Every person has a special memory or testimony of what God did for them and how their lives were impacted by the presence and power of God!
Below, you can read all the memories of how God touched lives. If God did something wonderful for you and you haven’t shared your testimony, please fill out the form below!
Let us know how Summer Camp has been a blessing to you by entering your special memory in the form below
From the very first Eagle Worldwide Summer Camp, held on the snack bar patio under open heavens, and every summer since, I have been awed by the Presence and Power of God as He manifested Himself in Signs, Wonders and Miracles! There have been so many salvations, healings, provisions, lives touched, transformed and changed… all to the Glory of God! We serve a Faithful God!
– Victoria G
I remember the first time Joshua Mills ministered in worship at Camp. The presence and glory of God descended in such a tangible reality, I felt I had been transported to the throne room of God. Every year at summer camp, there is something dynamic and anointed about worship that takes you to higher places in the presence of the Lord. It’s like year after year of worship, the ground has been saturated with His presence and there is an ease to enter in through praise and worship.
– Miguel S
Summer Camp is such a tremendous time where we see God move all summer long, year after year! I remember the night Joan Gieson prayed for a young Hungarian girl who was blind in one eye. It was near the end of the service, and people had started leaving. At first, nothing happened. They prayed again, and her vision improved. They prayed again, and suddenly, the girl just began to weep and laugh and cry out! She could see! Her entire family came back the next night, and many of them gave their hearts to God as a result of this great Miracle!
– Patty W
I will never forget being breathed upon by our Inuit brothers and sisters going through a fire tunnel at summer camp, one of the most powerful experiences of my life.
– Lori W
This summer evening at Eagle Worldwide summer camp was very special. I drove there hungry and expecting God to move. During the worship time I was touched by the Lord which was preparing my spirit for what was coming later. The Pastor Glenn Garland from Calvary Pentecostal Tabernacle, Ashland, Virginia gave a message on prayer. The Presence of God took captive of me and I sat like in a trance listening intently to the message. At the end of his message, he invited those hungry for deeper flow of intercession to come to the altar. God enable me to move forward and then the Spirit poured into me and through me with deep travail and groanings. My spirit was enlarged, activated into a new release of heaven’s interception for intercession.
– Joyce K
My journey with Eagle Worldwide Ministries really began on the Campground. I applied for the internship…and I haven’t really left! It was life changing for me. I received a lot of freedom during the Freedom and Healing schools and God really met me in a powerful way. Camp gave me the opportunity to learn “man skills” which played a crucial role in the restoration of my identity. I discovered the Spirit of Adoption through so many people in the ministry who took time to walk with me and sow into my life. Thank you Dr. Russ, Pastor Mave, Pastor Patty, Reid & Victoria and others who played such a part in my life! The Camp is a blessing in more ways than you realize!