
Eagle Worldwide Ministries is based in Canada and the U.S. Founded by Russ and Mave Moyer in the year 2000, the ministry exists to contend for the restoration of apostolic leadership and prophetic leadership influence in the Church today.

We believe in the full restoration of all five ministry gifts listed in Ephesians 4:11-12. The heart of the ministry is to see all five ministry office gifts working together in unity for the purpose of equipping God’s people to do the work of the ministry, both locally, nationally, and around the world.

We also believe in and contend for the supernatural power, gifts, and fruit of the Holy Spirit. It is our desire to see God’s people operating in the fullness of their inheritance, utilizing every gift and ability that Jesus purchased for his Church.

It is our desire to see a consecrated company of ministers raised up who are dedicated to proclaiming and demonstrating the Gospel of Jesus Christ, in word and deed, with signs, miracles and wonders following.

The ministry has two major gatherings each year: Winter Camp which is held in Pensacola, Florida, USA and Summer Camp which is held at our 55 acre campground in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

Winter Camp runs nightly for two weeks and Summer Camp runs nightly for seven weeks. Both events draw major leaders from within the Apostolic and Prophetic movement and are powerful times in the presence of the Lord.

Dr. Russ and Mave Moyer travel extensively each year, speaking at a wide variety of churches and conferences. Part of their year is spent in both Canada, the U.S., and Israel. The Eagle Worldwide team also travels widely to speak, minister, and train within the realm of healing, deliverance, prophecy, and other inspired teaching from the Bible.


This is what we believe about God, Jesus, the Bible, and other aspects of our faith. Eagle Worldwide is firmly rooted in Scripture, and our the beliefs guide the decisions we make.


This is why we exist. This is what we do. And it’s why we do it with excellence. Our objective is not jus to talk the talk, but to walk the walk.


Meet our leadership team that works together to shape the vision and direction of Eagle Worldwide.