The Bible warns us about allowing unforgiveness and bitterness in our lives.
Hebrews 12:15
Look carefully that you do not fall short of the grace of God…allowing any root of bitterness to spring up and cause trouble, for by this many become defiled.
Bitterness can end up causing us physical…emotional and spiritual sickness.
The Word of God cautions us to refrain from letting the root of bitterness spring up and cause trouble. We have to choose…
Resentment develops when we persist in resisting what God has allowed to happen to us. Nothing happens in our life unless it is filtered through the hands of God. That’s hard to hear when we’ve been abused..however nothing happens in our lives that God is not aware of…and He is ready to deal and heal when we let go and let God.
We must keep our focus on the Lord. because our help comes from HIM.
Payback is planted in the depths of our hearts…every one of us is a born retaliator. The only way we will ever change that is to yield to Holy Spirit and the love of God that’s been supernaturally shed abroad in our hearts when we were saved.
If we answer wrongdoing with our own wrongdoing, we need a change at the core of our being…The bible says show me the fruit of your repentance. If we have the spirit of God operating in our lives we will bear the fruit of forgiveness.
When we hold fast to an unforgiving spirit it proves that we do not trust Jesus. If we do trust him…we will not operate contrary to his way in our lives. If we trust him, we will not take forgiveness from his hand for all we’ve done wrong and then give it to others only when we feel they are worthy or deserving of it. Today more than ever we must forgive ourselves and others…
The eleventh hour is upon us

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