Thank you for partnering with us, as we partner in the harvest here at Eagle Worldwide Camp Ablaze.
When we give, we imitate Him, the One who gave it all when He gave us His Son Jesus. As we give, we are advancing God’s Kingdom through our finances. Team work makes the dream work!
When you sow, you go! You are apart of every life that is changed and transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. You are apart of every person that is equipped to bring the gospel to the nations. You are apart in bringing healing and freedom to those in need. Thank you for advancing the Kingdom and sowing into the harvest.

It is the gift of unity that draws us upward to a higher purpose for the Kingdom. Those that are in one mind and one accord can shake cities and nations for the Kingdom of God. The Lord commands a blessing when we walk in unity (Psalms 133).
Declaring a supernatural harvest over you and your seed!
Many people think that if they cannot give hundreds or thousands of dollars, their impact is minimal. However, we at Eagle Worldwide have seen the miraculous impact both $1000 has made or even $30, when coming from partners like you from all over the world. When you give, your seed goes to work. The truth is, God will greatly multiply whatever we put in His hands.