We are about to see the mighty hand of God move in great power with signs, wonders, and miracles like never before. We stand on the threshold of the greatest harvest in history! Led by dreams, prophetic words and confirmations, Dr. Russ Moyer birthed the Eastgate Worship Barn contending for the Revival that God spoke over this region. Watch the video below of the dreams and prophetic words that have led us to this moment in time!
Our Vision
Our vision for Eagle Worldwide Eastgate is to build on the foundation that has been laid, through the two previous vision holders. We are not here to tear down. We are here to build up. We will build on the foundational truths of our statement of faith, mission statement, and our common desire to pursue Jesus Christ, with passion and compassion, for the great end time move of the Spirit in Canada, the United States, and the nations of the world.
It is not our intent to start a church at the Eastgate, but rather to support The Church, local pastors, and leaders as they pursue their vision and individual mission. We fully recognize this moment in time and we intend to bring refreshing, restoration, and revival to The Church and leaders.