Men need men!

It is time for the men to arise in this hour, stepping up and springing forth into the destiny that the Lord has created them for! Join us for a time of going deeper in relationship with God and each other.

Expect some moments by the fire with our fireside chat sessions.

Expect to encounter God in the beauty of the grounds at Camp Ablaze.

Expect to encounter Jesus with some deep moment of worship and the word.

God is doing something very special right with men in the Body of Christ. It’s a time to step up and spring forth in unity and community.

EARLY BIRD PRICE (Before FEB 20th): $175 USD

Cost After FEB 20th: $200 USD

Don’t miss this incredible weekend March 20-23rd at Eagle Worldwide Camp Ablaze.

What’s included: 

5 Meals / Snacks / Drinks

– Thursday Dinner

– Friday Lunch & Dinner

– Saturday Lunch & Dinner

– Snacks, drinks, fire side chat BBQs

– All Access Pass to All Conference Materials After the Conference

Register today to secure your space.

EARLY BIRD PRICE (Before FEB 20th): $175 USD

Cost After FEB 20th: $200 USD 



5:30pm Registration (in the house)

6:00pm Dinner

7:30pm Worship in the Barn, then share the vision and heart for the weekend.

8:45pm Fire side chat


10:00am Worship

10:30am Session 1: Pastor Reid Grassick

11:45am Break

12:00pm Session 2: Pastor Joshua Hommes

1:15pm Lunch

2:00pm – 5:00pm Free Time

Basketball Courts


Corn Hole tournament

Fire Side Chat

5:30pm Dinner

7:00 pm Session 3: Dr. Russ (Healthy Boundaries)


10:00am Worship

10:30am Session 4: Pastor Reid Grassick

11:45 Break

12:00pm Session 5: Pastor Joshua Hommes

1:15pm Lunch

2:00pm – 5:00 pm Free Time

Basketball Courts


Corn Hole tournament

Fire Side Chat

Leave worship playing in the barn for people to soak

5:30pm Dinner

7:00pm Session 6: Pastor Harpreet Sahney


10:00am Dwelling Place Church Sunday

Speaker: TBD

Calling all men! Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with other men. It’s time to rise up! Step into your calling, sharpen your spirit, and be equipped for the battles ahead at this life-changing men’s conference!