Apostolic Revival Hubs Arising!
We are about to see the mighty hand of God that is resting upon His Remnant move in great power with signs wonders and miracles like never before. We stand on the threshold of the greatest harvest in history!
There are some things you can look for and expect to see in these Apostolic Hubs and Centres so that you can recognize, align, believe and receive from them!
The Lord is establishing a model! Not the First century church but the 21st Century Church! Where the Family of God and the Army of God can walk together where generational unity can bear the fruit of the commanded blessing!
These equipping and empowering Centres will have some of the following 13 components so we can recognize them.
A Healthy Local Church
Healing Rooms
School of The Spirit
Practical Ministry Training
A House of Prayer
A House of Worship
Led by the Spirit
A house of Healing
A house of Hope
A house of Restoration
A house for the Outcast
A house for all Nations
A House of Radical Tabernacle Worship